Here’s how you can keep the fun going:
- Enjoy your treats! We hope they add a sprinkle of joy and Halloween fun to your day.
- Place the “We’ve Been Booed” sign in a visible window, on your front door, or post to social media to let other practices know you’ve been “Booed”!
- Put together your own boo bag or basket filled with treats, decorations, or anything that spreads the Halloween spirit! Don’t forget to include a copy of these instructions and a “We’ve Been Booed!” sign. Additional copies can be found HERE.
- Secretly deliver your “BOO” treats to another dental office who has not been booed.
Basket Ideas
- Classic: Candy
- Patient Give-A-Ways: Halloween stickers, fidgets, candy, etc.
- Staff Party: Halloween themed party supplies - cups, napkins, plates & baked treats
- All things Pumpkin: Pumpkin carving kits, orange candy, pumpkin spice coffee/tea flavors
What Is The Point In This Activity?
You've Been Booed is a simple, low cost way to put a smile on the faces of your colleagues and boost morale. "Boo-ing" begins with one office dropping off a basket/bag of goodies anonymously (or not so secretly) to another dental office. The person who receives the basket/bag in turn "boo's" another dental office, and the chain goes on and on. Offices can put a sign on their door saying "I've been boo'ed!" so there are no duplicates.
Must I Participate?
Nope. You should not feel obligated to go out and "BOO" somebody because you have been Booed. Some people don't pass it on, others may choose to Boo many more than two. What you do is up to you. It is all in good fun and should not be a burden.
Do I Need To BOO A MDA Member?
Nope! MDA Member or not we encourage all to participate.
What "Goodies" Should I Give Out?
It can be anything you want! Cookies, Candy, Games, Toys, Stickers, Fruit, Drinks, etc. Some people make home made treats and other people give pre-packed treats. If you make homemade treats, there may be a good chance your hard work will go right to the trash since people don't know exactly "where it has been". Use your discretion.
When Does Booing End?
Booing occurs during the month of October and will come to an end on Halloween - October 31, 2024.